Archive Aptil 2001

Girls did their bit for punk

There werent that many all-girl bands among the boys in Brighton punk history. We had several girls heading up bands with guys, notably Helen with the Chefs, Barb with the Lillettes and Sue with the Reward System.

The all-girl bands were Devil's Dykes, the Objeks, Bright Girls and the Mockingbirds. Briefly there were the Bananas who morphed into the Splits- "Why werent we on Vaultage 80?" they asked "we couldnt get it together, we didnt have a tape!" they answered.
Now that's punk. Click the image for Mockingbirds.

An anonymous e-mailer sent us some very interesting blurb on the Golinskis but it was so anonymous it got lost in the system. If you read this, please send it again.

Rose from the Mockingbirds
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